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Posted on January 25, 2012 | tags


Politics: Marco Rubio rips Gingrich ad calling Romney an “anti-immigrant candidate”

  • This kind of language is more than just unfortunate. It’s inaccurate, inflammatory, and doesn’t belong in this campaign. The truth is that neither of these two men is anti-immigrant and both have positive messages that play well in the Latino community.
  • Florida Senator Marco Rubio • Condemning a radio ad released by the Gingrich campaign, which referred to Mitt Romney as “the most anti-immigrant candidate.” This is an issue on which Rubio carries a lot of heft, as both a member of the young Republican surge in 2010, as well as the GOP’s most prominent Latino voice. The political effect of his remarks, whether intended or not, is to give Romney a leg up. Though Gingrich’s immigration reform ideas are far from progressive, that he’s further left on the issue than Romney is undeniable; Romney has reveled in staying to the (at times somewhat absurd) far-right of every opponent on the issue. If he’s given cover from criticism about it, however inartful that criticism may be, it means he won’t have to bear the cost of that clear political calculation. Gingrich pulled the ad from the airwaves following Rubio’s remarks. source