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Posted on December 1, 2011 | tags


Politics: Herman Cain’s lawyer wants Ginger White’s phone records

  • Maintain common sense. Mr. Cain was extremely busy in his campaign. He didn’t have time to send a lot of texts.
  • Herman Cain’s lawyer, Lin Wood • Disputing the phone records that show Ginger White has been in nearly-constant communication with Cain via text message in recent weeks. (70 in a month … just 17 of those from Cain. Is 17 texts over a month “a lot of texts”? We think not.) Wood wants the records from White’s lawyer, so he can “ascertain whether the decision to grant interviews was politically motivated and to determine whether she has received or [been] promised money for participating.” Why do we always have to assume the worst in people, Mr. Wood? Could it be that maybe she’s telling the truth? Let’s focus on that part first. source