- We can’t believe it’s already been seven years. On October 21, 2003, Elliott Smith’s life ended. It may have been suicide. It may have been murder. It’s never been clarified, but either way, he’ll be greatly missed. It was a very emotional moment in our own growing-up process, hearing the endless creativity that came from this guy, and we’re still learning stuff from songs like “Between the Bars” and “Twilight.” Want a good way to honor his music and memory? Donate a couple of bucks to the Elliott Smith Memorial Fund, which helps two charities, Outside In (which helps homeless youths in Portland, Oregon, Smith’s hometown) and Free Arts for Abused Children (which is self-explanatory, and has received tons of donations in Smith’s memory over the years). Smith’s death was sad; you can help something good come from his memory. source
Posted by Ernie Smith •