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Posted on January 20, 2010 | tags


Culture: Like everyone else, Bill Gates on Twitter to promote himself

  • In case you were wondering why everyone seemed amazed that Bill Gates joined Twitter yesterday, here’s why. It’s a fresh reminder that Twitter is just as susceptible to calculated publicity campaigns as any other medium. It just looks viral. That said, we’re not here to scold, we’re here to praise a guy who gives most of his money to charity because he’s too much of a nerd to be anything but our modern-day Andrew Carnegie. Larry Ellison is probably snorting coke off a hooker in a hotel (not room, hotel) he rented out. Carlos Slim’s wasting his money on bad investments like Circuit City and The New York Times. Warren Buffett’s probably making Jiffy Pop in his modest Nebraska home. But our Bill is using his money to help make the world better. We salute you, dude. source
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