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Posted on January 19, 2009 | tags


Biz: Fix it again, Chrysler: Fiat could be their new suitor

  • Fiat to buy stake in Chrysler? Chrysler’s under the gun after getting $4 billion from the auto industry bailout, so it’s looking for some outside help. It needs to come up with a plan to stay alive to show to the U.S. government by March 31. Enter Fiat, the Italian car manufacturer with a long history of foreign interests. source
  • Fiat to buy stake in Chrysler? Chrysler’s under the gun after getting $4 billion from the auto industry bailout, so it’s looking for some outside help. It needs to come up with a plan to stay alive to show to the U.S. government by March 31. Enter Fiat, the Italian car manufacturer with a long history of foreign interests.
  • Scratching each other’s backs Fiat at the very least would offer some help to Chrysler. Both would benefit from the deal. Chrysler gets access to Fiat’s experience in building efficient small-to-medium-size cars; Fiat gets a foothold in the American market to introduce some of its vehicles to the States. Win-win, right? source