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Posted on December 13, 2010 | tags


Biz: Could Bernie Madoff get out for his son’s funeral? Unlikely.

  • I would question whether they’d grant him a furlough because of heightened publicity. He could be a target. He could be shot.
  • Federal Prisons Consultants managing director Ed Bales • On Bernie Madoff’s chances of being allowed to go to his son’s funeral. Madoff has two things against him here: A handbook that generally only allows furloughs for prisoners with two years or less in their terms, and (since that’s usually waived for white-collar criminals) a level of notoriety that would probably mean an appearance like that would endanger his safety. On a side note, this story is from the New York Post, which used an “end of his rope” pun to explain Mark Madoff’s death on its front page recently. We’re sure they’ve hit lower depths, but we can’t remember when. source