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09 Nov 2010 10:06


Biz, Tech: Oracle, new HP CEO Leo Apotheker dealing with some stuff

  • Oracle’s Larry Ellison really dislikes HP, apparently. First, he swiped their former chief executive, who was not only good at his job, but was removed for fairly questionable reasons. (HP didn’t like that, by the way.) Now, Ellison’s company has their sights set on their new CEO, Leo Apotheker, the weirdly hired former SAP CEO. See, a subsidiary of SAP, TomorrowNow, reportedly engaged in software theft from Oracle. Oracle thinks SAP owes them billions of dollars; SAP claims it’s closer to tens of millions. Either way, Oracle has hired a private investigator to find Apotheker after HP would not accept Oracle’s subpoena for Apotheker to testify in court about the case (and Apotheker skipped an earlier trial). In other news, Silicon Valley business is pretty cutthroat. (Above: Artist’s depiction of what we think the private investigator looks like.) source

09 Nov 2010 09:50


World: In Myanmar/Burma, military’s stranglehold showed with election

  • 80% of all votes went to the military-aligned party source

09 Nov 2010 00:02


U.S.: Creepbag homophobic stalker dude Andrew Shirvell fired

  • creepy Michigan assistant attorney general Andrew Shirvell famously got infatuated with a gay University of Michigan student and wrote a hate blog about him. He then showed up on Anderson Cooper’s show, and some magic happened.
  • idiotic An investigation showed a few things: Shirvell was doing much of his blogging and harassment while on the job, he sat outside the guy’s home at 1:30 in the morning, and he stalked the guy’s friends around Ann Arbor. So, yeah.
  • fired In reaction to all this information (and let’s not forget the fact that he lied to investigators), Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox fired Shirvell today. Shirvell’s lawyer hilariously blamed “the liberal media” for his client’s firing. source