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18 Sep 2010 10:52


Politics: Lisa Murkowski jumps into the abyss with write-in senate campaign

  • She most assuredly won’t win, and Sarah Palin and her friends are angry. Lisa Murkowski isn’t going to let a guy with a beard into the Senate without a fight. The Alaska senator is launching a write-in campaign to get her seat back. “My heart is Alaska, and I cannot leave you. I cannot stop what we have started,”she said. For the Republican party as a whole, this is fairly misguided. See, a write-in senate candidate has won ONCE in U.S. history – Strom Thurmond’s 1954 election. It has the potential to split the vote between Murkowski and Republican nominee Joe Miller, plus she has to deal with petty attacks like this one from sworn enemy Palin: “It’s a futile effort on her part, it really is.” source