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Posted on August 13, 2009 | tags


Culture, World: Don’t laugh: “Muppet diplomacy” useful diplomatic tool

  • Muppets give children, and the parents who watch the show with them, a chance to explore other cultures from the safety of their living room, where no one will criticize them for being curious.
  • Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell • Describing the use of the various versions of “Sesame Street” to teach friendly lessons that various countries, often militant, may not be teaching children. Daoud Kuttab, who executive produces “Shara’a Simsim,” a localized version of “Sesame Street” for Palestinian children, agrees: “I would say 3-, 4-, 5-year olds — if we don’t catch them at that early age, we do risk losing them to all kinds of propaganda, whether it’s conservative, religious or fundamentalist.” The world needs more Cookie Monster. • source