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Posted on June 12, 2011 | tags


U.S.: Woman optimistic for better life after face transplant

  • Charla hated to have her picture taken. Any family gathering, she’d disappear. She doesn’t want to be the center of attention ever, you know. That’s why she wants this. She’s so happy about getting a face, so people won’t say, ‘Look at that lady with the veil.’
  • Charla Nash’s sister-in-law, Kate • Describing the hope that Charla has for her new face. The woman, 57, was mauled by a neighbor’s pet chimpanzee two years ago. She lost most of her face, including her eyes, along with her hands. She received a full face and hand transplant last month, and while the hands didn’t take, her face did, and she’s optimistic about being able to eat normal food again, as well as go out in public without concern over her appearance. “It will certainly help her tremendously to feel human again,” said Dr. Bohdan Pomahac, who led the surgical team behind the third face transplant in U.S. history. source