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31 May 2010 21:30


Politics: For some reason, Obama not ready to throw Israel under the bus

  • The President expressed deep regret at the loss of life in today’s incident, and concern for the wounded, many of whom are being treated in Israeli hospitals. The President also expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances around this morning’s tragic events as soon as possible.
  • A statement from the White House • Regarding today’s insane flotilla situation in Israel. Obama has to respect the diplomatically-important relationship with Israel, but it’s kinda tough because they keep doing stupid crap like killing humanitarians. There are a lot of sides to this story, so it’s good to take them all in, but it’s clear that Israel had to get on that boat somehow. They weren’t there for tea and strumpets. They weren’t there to show off their new iPads. They weren’t there to give high-fives to the hundreds of people on board that boat. Even if the ship had weapons and the humanitarians were ready for a fight, it wasn’t like they were about to invade Gaza, either. Why not scold Israel, Obama, and tell them they screwed up? Because they clearly screwed up. source