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07 Apr 2009 10:27


U.S., World: Uh, hey Iraq, it’s Obama; betcha didn’t expect to see me.

  • Out of nowhere Obama wasn’t scheduled to come to Iraq, but he went anyway, for a few reasons – to talk shop with Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki and Gen. Ray Odierno, as well as to hand out a few medals of valor to U.S. troops. It’s his first trip to the country since he was elected; he went while campaigning. source
  • Out of nowhere Obama wasn’t scheduled to come to Iraq, but he went anyway, for a few reasons – to talk shop with Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki and Gen. Ray Odierno, as well as to hand out a few medals of valor to U.S. troops. It’s his first trip to the country since he was elected; he went while campaigning.
  • A busy trip Obama’s managed to do a lot in his international trip – between the G20 summit, the European tour, and avoiding an assassination attempt by some dude in Turkey, he’s done a good job of playing diplomat. Good job man, and make sure you have a beer after you’re done. source