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26 Oct 2009 09:55


Politics: Daily Poll: An absurdly early 2012 GOP presidential straw poll

  • The Washington Post’s Monday Fix got us to thinking this week due to their power list of Republicans in 2012. Sarah Palin is on top of it. And in a minor upset, Tim Pawlenty is in front of Mitt Romney. And Mike “always a bridesmaid, never a bride” Huckabee is standing pat in fourth. Now, we know it’s early and it doesn’t mean anything, but we’d like to know who you’d most likely vote for in 2012, if given the choice. This is obviously unscientific and mostly for fun. And feel free to tell us how much you hate (insert object of scorn here) in the comments.source

19 Sep 2009 22:32


Politics: Hardcore Republicans heart Mike Huckabee in 2012 straw poll

  • 29% of voters picked Huckabee over Romney & Palin source

02 Mar 2009 10:03


U.S.: A stacked-deck cross-section of Americans think Obama sucks

  • 4% of CPAC attendees think Obama’s a good president source

02 Mar 2009 09:58


U.S.: Who do conservatives want as president in 2012? Mitt Romney.