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27 Jun 2010 21:49


Politics: Max Headroom: Blame Robert Bork for Elena Kagan’s problems

  • “Conceivable”? Really? Elena Kagan is like a puppy dog with wide eyes and a lovable smile. Yet, Sen. Jeff Sessions seems to think there might be a chance she gets filibustered. Really? Are we talking about the same Elena Kagan?

  • Blame Robert Bork Why is Kagan’s hearing so seemingly controversial? Because Robert Bork, the Reagan Supreme Court nominee, created an air of contention that every high court nominee’s hearing has had ever since.

  • One woman to anotherLate last month, Sandra Day O’Connor, who went through a painful confirmation herself, told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that the process is tough for everyone, but she thought Kagan would make it.