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01 Oct 2011 10:13


World: Pakistan: Security guard in Salman Taseer killing sentenced to death

  • then In January, Pakistani governor Salman Taseer was assassinated under bizarre circumstances — Taseer, who had tight security, was assassinated by one of his own security guards, who admitted to the crime immediately and pointed to Taseer’s opposition to a controversial blasphemy law.
  • now That security guard, Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, was sentenced to not one, but two death sentences. “Nobody can be given a license to kill on any pretext,” the judge reportedly said about the case, which is still a bit of a touchy subject. Qadri’s lawyer plans to appeal the decision. source

02 Mar 2011 11:09


World: Pakistan’s poisonous, difficult anti-blasphemy environment

  • This kind of attack was expected after the government’s response to governor Taseer’s assassination. Because of the government’s very weak response … it has encouraged the hardliners in society.
  • Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies Amir Rana • Explaining how the response to the assassination of Salman Taseer, who fought a blasphemy law unpopular with Christians in the country, may have led to today’s assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti. Before his death, Taseer fought in favor of a pardon for a Christian mother of four who had been sentenced to death for reportedly saying blasphemous things about Prophet Muhammad. After Taseer’s death, Pakistani officials have stayed away from changing the law. Some feel that the effect of this has encouraged some to take more hardline approach to minority groups. Sigh. source

04 Jan 2011 10:25


World: Outspoken Pakistani governor Salman Taseer assassinated

See this guy with the weird look on his face? He just admitted to killing his boss, Pakistani governor Salman Taseer, because Taseer opposed Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. This look is eerie. source