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10 Nov 2011 15:16


Politics: Rick Perry tries to overcome debate gaffe by flaunting it

  • Making weakness a strength: That would seem to be the strategy Rick Perry is employing to try to weather his absolutely excruciating brain-lock at last night’s presidential debate (if you haven’t watched it yet, you really should). His tact from the moment he got off the stage (with reports from the spin room that he acknowledged he’d “stepped in it,” and a similar Tweet) seems to suggest his damage control plan is light humor at his own expense, to hope “oops” becomes a humanizing moment. source

10 Nov 2011 10:19


Politics: Rick Perry looking for mea culpa after infamous debate gaffe

  • If anyone’s looking for the slickest politician or the smoothest debater, I readily admit I’m not that person. I’m hoping the American people are the types of individuals who understand that there are mistakes that get made.
  • Texas Gov. Rick Perry • Defending his infamous gaffe, where he awkwardly forgot one of the departments he recommended eliminating, on “Fox & Friends” this morning. Many, including us, called it a campaign-killer. He’s not doing bad as far as the apologies go, though, and that could save him. Can he be a frontrunner again, though? Considering he came in as the Great Texas Hope, that’s the real question. source