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19 Sep 2011 17:31


World: News International negotiates settlement with family of Milly Dowler

  • $4.7 million to Dowler family from News International source
  • » The negotiations aren’t final just yet: A News International spokeswoman confirmed that the company is negotiating a multi-million dollar settlement (about three million pounds) with the family of slain child Milly Dowler, who’s voicemail was hacked by the Murdoch-owned media giant following her abduction in 2002. This is a good example of the disparity of financial power between normal people and giant companies, and the problems that can lie therein; this sum, though it would be the company’s biggest ever payout, is in no way a prohibitive cost for a media empire like Murdoch’s.

18 Jul 2011 14:01


World: News of the World whistleblower Sean Hoare found dead

  • Right now, police are saying that Sean Hoare’s death isn’t suspicious. And that’s understandable, because he did have problems with alcohol and drugs — so Hoare’s death could easily be related to substance abuse. However, this phone-hacking scandal has gone far and brought down a lot of people — it’s hard not to wonder “What if?” Hoare was one of the first people to implicate Andy Coulson, the former News of the World editor and communications director for PM David Cameron, in the scandal, leading to the current chain of events that include NotW’s closure and Coulson’s arrest. source