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15 Jan 2011 20:22


U.S.: Arizona shooting victims making mark in surprising ways

  • arrests A week after being hit in the leg and back during the shooting, minorly-injured victim Eric Fuller got himself arrested at a taping for ABC’s “This Week” by angrily telling a Tucson Tea Party leader, “You’re dead.”
  • transplants In much more heartwarming news, some of 9-year-old victim Christina Taylor Green’s organs saved an East Coast child’s life, thereby providing a bittersweet antidote to the story on the left. source

30 Mar 2010 23:01


U.S.: Study: Kidney-selling shouldn’t be limited to the black market

  • 106k number of people currently on waiting lists for a new organ, mostly kidneys
  • 92% of people who die yearly waiting for organs they were waiting for others to donate
  • $$$ what could encourage more organ donations for people who need them source