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12 Sep 2009 12:15


Politics: A bunch of tea-baggers in D.C., brought together by astroturfing

  • I can’t figure out to save me what [Mr. Obama and the Democrats] are trying to accomplish, unless they want socialism.
  • Retired paper-mill worker Joseph Wright • One of the thousands of tea-partiers protesting Obama’s health-care plan (and just about everything else he represents). Tons of old white people people just like Wright descended upon Washington today to make themselves loudly heard. Good thing we’re out of town for the weekend. The event was put together by FreedomWorks, which we’re going to point out creates fake grassroots campaigns, also known as astroturfing. • source

29 Jun 2009 00:53


Politics, Tech: Two examples of old people who don’t get new journalism

  • Judge: Let’s outlaw linking! In this corner: Seventh Circuit Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner, based out of Chicago. A pretty smart guy.
    His argument: Posner, in an argument on his blog, says that “Expanding copyright law … to bar linking to or paraphrasing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s consent, might be necessary to keep free riding on content financed by online newspapers.”
    Why he doesn’t get it Because his idea is against the very nature of the Internet and nobody would support him. Plus, his article has a trackback function enabled to encourage linking!
  • Judge: Let’s outlaw linking! In this corner: Seventh Circuit Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner, based out of Chicago. A pretty smart guy.
    His argument: Posner, in an argument on his blog, says that “Expanding copyright law … to bar linking to or paraphrasing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s consent, might be necessary to keep free riding on content financed by online newspapers.”
    Why he doesn’t get it Because his idea is against the very nature of the Internet and nobody would support him. Plus, his article has a trackback function enabled to encourage linking!
  • Columnist: Let’s tighten laws! In this corner: Connie Schultz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, still a solid print product.
    Her argument: Schultz says that there’s too many free riders on the journalism bandwagon and they’re coming at the cost of newspaper revenue. She subscribes to David and Daniel Marburger’s theory that copyright law needs to force aggregators to share ad revenue with producers.
    Why she doesn’t get it While her idea is less crazy than Posner’s (she’s not advocating the blocking of linking), it’s cut from the same cloth. Also, you can share her column on Reddit and Digg!

30 Apr 2009 09:29


Offbeat, Tech: Alzheimer’s patients could be using GPS to navigate

Grocery stores can have confusing layouts to the elderly. So can kitchens and new places. Technology can help. source