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09 Oct 2009 05:15


U.S., World: Obama had a lot of competition for the Nobel Peace Prize

  • 205 people were nominated this year – that’s a record source

27 Jul 2009 14:16


World: Is an award from U2 Aung San Suu Kyi’s get-out-of-jail-free card?

  • Bono has the midas touch sometimes. Tonight U2 will present Burma’s pro-democracy leader with a pretty special award in Dublin – Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience Award. The only catch is she’s still in Burma, still on trial for violating the terms of her house arrest and will most likely still land in jail. But, *fingers crossed*, this’ll make them think twice about pulling any major jerk moves. That’s what Amnesty International is hoping anyway. source

07 Jul 2009 09:55


Tech, World: Is Twitter worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize? An expert sez yes.

  • In the past month, 140 characters were enough to shine a light on Iranian oppression and elevate Twitter to the level of change agent. Even the government of Iran has been forced to utilize the very tool they attempted to squelch to try to hold on to power.
  • Mark Pfeifle • A former deputy security adviser who played a global outreach role for the National Security Council, making an argument as to why the creators of Twitter should be up for a Nobel Peace Prize for their role in the protests in Iran. He’s serious, and he has enough clout that he’s worth listening to in this case. High-five to the Twitter guys! • source