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30 Nov 2009 20:40


Biz: An electric company and a water company make a deal on a media giant

  • GE and Vivendi agree on terms that’ll allow a Comcast deal to go forward. How much is Vivendi’s 20% stake in NBC Universal? $5.8 billion. At least that’s the number the water company agreed on with General Electric. GE, which owns 80% of the company, is in the midst of building a 50/50 joint venture with media giant wannabe Comcast. The deal clears the way for that to happen. source

09 Nov 2009 10:55


Biz: Daily poll: Is Comcast’s possible buy of NBC Universal good or bad?

  • By the end of the week, it’s likely that GE and Comcast will have agreed on a deal to give most of NBC Universal to the cable company. Owning a chunk of the content pie is something that Comcast has been angling for – most famously, they tried making a deal for Disney back in the day. But is it good for consumers? Vote above.source

03 Oct 2009 10:00


Biz, Culture: Comcast tries to wheel and deal its way into NBC Universal

  • $30 billion the estimated value of the deal Comcast (who’s looking for a big-media venture) and GE are working out for the network/film studio source

18 Mar 2009 12:59


Politics: NBC boss big-ups CNBC, trashes Jon Stewart

  • Everybody wants to find a scapegoat. That’s human nature. But to suggest that the business media or CNBC was responsible for what is going on now is absurd.
  • NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker • On Jon Stewart’s repeated trashing of his financial network, which he called “unfair.” Just when we were ready for this story to die, the big guy on top had to open his trap … • source