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10 Aug 2010 23:27


Offbeat: Disgruntled flight attendant’s mom: It was a “very small meltdown”

  • I don’t think he’s going to be in trouble very long. I think he just had a very small meltdown, and I think he deserves to be able to have that meltdown if you saw the egg on his head where he got smacked.
  • Diane Slater • Discussing her son’s memorable meltdown. Flight attendant Steven Slater’s quitting – getting into a fight with a passenger, grabbing a couple of beers, and escaping through the plane’s inflatable chute – was perhaps the most bizarrely random thing to ever happen on an airplane, ever. It’s good to know that his mom has his back on this, but she may understand it better than most – she’s a retired flight attendant. source