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08 Jan 2009 08:50


U.S., World: The Army realizes sending “John Doe” letters is a bad idea

  • There are no words to adequately apologize for this mistake or for the hurt it may have caused.
  • Brig. Gen. Reuben D. Jones • Army adjutant general, on a series of letters sent to the families of soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The letters sent to families include the phrase “Dear John Doe.” • source

01 Jan 2009 12:04


About: on the state of journalism in 2008

  • I have never seen so many senior newspaper executives so depressed and frightened for their future.
  • Drew Davis • American Press Institute President and Executive Director • source

01 Jan 2009 12:03


About: 2008: journalism’s year of bloodshed

  • 15,558 total job cuts (at least) source

01 Jan 2009 12:02


About: media companies felt the loss along with journos

  • 60-90% loss in value at publicly-traded newspapers this year source