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22 Aug 2010 10:48


Tech: Prediction: Mirasol displays could be in your tablet-reading future

  • Is this the future of tablet design? The screen above, a hybrid of eInk and LCD called Mirasol, is getting some big buzz, and a certain client has Qualcomm paying $2 billion to ramp up production of the technology. Is it Apple? Is it Amazon? Is it HP? Is it somebody else? We don’t know, but we have to admit being able to read a tablet in direct sunlight would rule. source

02 Apr 2010 12:29


Tech: Sharp’s glasses-free 3D screens get us closer to mobile phone “Avatar”

  • Only downside: You have to be about a foot away. Sharp introduced a cool new technology today, a 3D touchscreen LCD. Why is this a big deal? Because it’s easily usable on mobile phones. It has some downsides – it only works at a fixed distance away. But you can easily switch between 2D and 3D, and you don’t need glasses, which is the important part. source