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20 Dec 2010 21:43


World: International pressure keeps up on Ivory Coast’s Laurent Gbagbo

  • He may very well be trying to ignore us and be hoping that we’ll forget and go away or focus on another issue. I can only remind him that this is a unanimous international community. We’re not going away, and we’re not going to forget this.
  • U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs William Fitzgerald • Pointing out that Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo picked the wrong international community to mess with. Fitzgerald’s words should have teeth, and so do American actions (we put strong sanctions on Gbagbo), but considering all of the human rights atrocities that have happened in Africa on the international community’s watch (Rwanda, Darfur, ZImbabwe, so on, so forth), can we really trust this? Seems like these words have a tinge of emptiness. Mind you, we hope things change this time, but where’s the evidence things will? source

19 Dec 2010 11:22


World: Ivory Coast election: No, this situation still hasn’t been resolved

  • problem After the Ivory Coast’s recent election, two dudes are fighting for leadership of the country – which has led to violent protests and instability over the last few weeks.
  • cause Laurent Gbagbo doesn’t want to surrender his long-held power, but the international community recognizes Alassane Ouattara as the actual winner of the election.
  • solution Gbagbo had a great way of fixing this – he wanted to kick 10,000 UN peacekeepers out of the country. They said no. Great. This should escalate quickly. source

04 Dec 2010 13:42


World: Cluster#(&! of the day: The Ivory Coast now has two presidents

  • One of these guys is the president of the Ivory Coast. Both of them took an oath today claiming they were the president. The guy on the left, Laurent Gbagbo, lost but doesn’t want to concede power, so the country’s Constitutional Council threw out hundreds of thousands of votes yesterday. Alassane Ouattara, the guy on the right, took a separate oath today. Don’t know about you guys, but we just love the smell of disenfranchisement in the morning. source