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06 Apr 2010 10:39


World: Wikileaks’ role: Intermediary for journalists and sources

  • We take care of the source and act as a neutral intermediary and then we also take care of the publication of the material whilst the journalist that has been communicated with takes care of the verification.
  • Wikileaks director Julian Assange • Explaining the site’s role in providing information to the world. Essentially, they’re not pretending to be journalists. But they also realize that sensitive information often can’t pass directly between a source’s hands and a journalist’s, due to its sensitive nature. So, they find it, host it anonymously, and break it to the world (and take the crap that comes along with it, including contacts from the U.S. government). It’s great for the free flow of information, as has been proven by the just-released video of two Reuters staffers getting killed. source