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15 May 2010 13:27


Culture: “Law and Order” was like NYC’s own little stimulus plan

  • 4,000 people per year got work thanks to the show
  • $79
    the amount the now-canceled
    crime drama brought in to the city’s economy every year
  • $1+
    the amount the show brought in over its 20-year run, mostly because Jerry Orbach was so awesome source

13 May 2010 20:41


U.S.: “Law and Order” possibly canceled? Say it ain’t so, guys!

  • The show may or may not survive after its 20th season. It’s a show you can seemingly make new plots for without even trying. That’s a characteristic that’s served it well through two decades and multiple spin-offs. But NBC may be ready to move on, according to a Deadline Hollywood report (which NBC is currently keeping mum about). Above, we put the cast of the most classic era. Let’s face it, Jerry Orbach was born to be on this show! While Anthony Anderson and Jeremy Sisto are great, they just can’t hold a candle to this fabulous foursome. source