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22 Sep 2009 10:52


Biz: The online news micropayments debate begins anew

One one side: Folks like NewsCloud’s Jeff Reifman, who say micropayments can work. On the other: Smart guy Clay Shirky, telling everyone they’re dreaming. source

02 Mar 2009 10:17


Tech: Is the Amazon Kindle’s screen too fragile?

  • A reviewer thinks so. Jeff Reifman, who was attempting to review the New York Times reading experience on the Kindle 2, didn’t even get a day without a scratch (which apparently may have come from a candy bar wrapper?!), a scratch that Amazon seemed very hesitant to replace and probably won’t. Hmm, that doesn’t sound promising for a mass-market product. source
  • A reviewer thinks so. Jeff Reifman, who was attempting to review the New York Times reading experience on the Kindle 2, didn’t even get a day without a scratch (which apparently may have come from a candy bar wrapper?!), a scratch that Amazon seemed very hesitant to replace and probably won’t. Hmm, that doesn’t sound promising for a mass-market product.
  • Well, how does it read? Reifman’s experience with reading the Times was OK, but the interface had its quirks. Among other things, he kept wanting to scroll down, web-style, rather than turn the page like the Kindle’s designed for. Reifman also noted that buying a Kindle and a Kindle subscription to the Times was much cheaper than the paper version. source