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17 Jun 2010 20:05


U.S.: Some dude’s going to die by firing squad in about six hours

  • Utah’s governor denied Ronnie Lee Gardner’s stay request. Gardner, who was convicted of killing two people – one of them during a courthouse escape attempt in 1985 – has spent most of his 49 years in prison or on death row, including nearly all of his adult life. He chose the firing squad. He’s likely the last person in the U.S. who will die by firing squad, as Utah outlawed the high-profile practice in 2004. He’s also likely the first person who eats steak and lobster with 7UP. That was his last meal. source

25 Sep 2009 10:35


U.S.: Ex-Manson family member Susan Atkins dies at 61

  • 38 number of years Susan Atkins spent in jail for murdering Sharon Tate in 1969; she was the longest-serving female inmate in California source

22 Jan 2009 10:56


U.S., World: Former Gitmo inmate: “Restore justice for prisoners”

  • He needs to restore justice for prisoners who were persecuted there during investigations. There were innocent people imprisoned there.
  • Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef • an ex-Taliban ambassador to Pakistan and former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, on Obama’s planned closing of the prison camp • source