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10 Jun 2011 15:31


U.S.: Worse than Arizona? Alabama’s new anti-immigration law

  • Alabama is going to start checking students to see if they’re legal immigrants. It’s sort of reminiscent of that law in Arizona that’s being challenged in court, only this one is a little more invasive. Alabama’s law would require all businesses to check the status of their workers and register them in an online database, as well as checking all students to make sure they’re legal. Scott Beason, the GOP state senator who sponsored the law, says that it will help give jobs back to people in Alabama. But that leads us to the question, “are they jobs people would want in the first place?” This bill is definitely invasive, possibly racist and certainly unfair. It’d make life harder for a lot of people. source

12 Aug 2010 22:29


Politics: Charles Schumer the voice of the Senate on immigration reform

New York’s coolest Senator was the only “voice” involved in a voice vote on a $600 million border security bill – an immigration reform down payment. source

03 May 2010 12:53


Politics: Arizona Republic to leaders: Stop being selfish. Fix immigration.

  • A Bold front page Sunday’s Arizona Republic devoted its entire page 1 to an editorial on the immigration troubles currently surrounding the state.

    blaming the leaders The editorial takes many leaders – including, among others, former governor Janet Napolitano and current one Jan Brewer, Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl, and McCain’s Senate competitor and radio host J.D. Hayworth – to task for looking out for their own political interests first. source