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24 Nov 2009 10:33


Politics: Obama’s state dinner plays like a lefty’s night out

  • Who’s invited? A ton of Obama staffers and anticipated Obama staffers will be there tonight. And a couple of big-name Hollywood types. And some who kind of span both celebrity and Obama staff, like Kal Penn. Oh, and Rahm Emanuel’s brother Ari, who was the inspiration behind Jeremy Piven’s “Entourage” character.
  • Who’s not invitedA lot of Republicans. Sen. Dick Lugar and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal are pretty much the most likely tighty righties holding down the fort among the 300 guests. Fox news is already playing it off as a major slight for some reason. What did you expect? You haven’t exactly done him any favors. source

14 Sep 2009 09:56


Music: Contradiction: Pearl Jam “sells out” with a song about integrity

  • After years under the Sony corporate umbrella, doing things like avoiding Ticketmaster and birthing Nickelback’s sound, Pearl Jam decided to release its newest album, “Backspacer,” exclusively via Target. source
  • Despite this seeming sell-out by a band notorious for integrity, Eddie Vedder’s singing about idealism on “The Fixer”: “When something’s gone, I wanna fight to get it back again!” It actually kinda makes sense. source