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20 Sep 2011 21:08


Politics: Elizabeth Warren leapfrogs Scott Brown in Massachusetts Senate race

  • ThenIn June, Scott Brown looked invincible. The Senator led every potential challenger by at least nine points, and Elizabeth Warren, perceived to be Democrats’ best shot against him, trailed by fifteen.
  • Now Since Warren declared her candidacy earlier this month, she’s skyrocketed in the polls and now leads Brown by two points. That’s a seventeen-point gain in a little over three months. source
  • » Hey, wha’ happen? Warren’s rise may be due in part to an “announcement boost;” she was long-rumored as a candidate, and her official entry in the race may have fired up a contingent of Democratic voters. Perhaps more significant of a factor, however, is Brown’s plummeting popularity. Back in December, he was the 16th most popular Senator in the country, out of 87 polled. Now, Brown is in 61st place, and his favorability has dropped by 25 points.

13 Sep 2011 15:42


Politics: Elizabeth Warren will run for Senate in Massachusetts, taking on Scott Brown

  • then President Obama decided that Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren wouldn’t head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Despite the CFPB being Warren’s brainchild, it was clear the GOP would not vote for her confirmation in any measure.
  • now Warren’s set her sights on a job for which she doesn’t need Republican approval — she just needs to beat them. Warren is expected to announce her candidacy for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts tomorrow, running against GOP Sen. Scott Brown. source

19 Aug 2011 00:44


Politics: Elizabeth Warren vs. Scott Brown – It’s on!

  • YES Elizabeth Warren is running for Senate source
  • » Well, technically, she’s not in the race yet; she’s just formed an exploratory committee. But if Warren gets in, this will be a nice coup for Democrats, as she’s absolutely adored by progressives and could stand a shot at unseating Scott Brown. If “Downtown Scotty Brown” goes down, and Democrats gain a Senate seat they would have probably otherwise lost, Republicans will probably regret preemptively blocking Warren’s appointment to the CFPB.