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09 Jun 2010 10:05


U.S.: The military is freaking about the dude who leaked to Wikileaks

  • If he really had access to these cables, we’ve got a terrible situation on our hands. We’re still trying to figure out what he had access to. A lot of my colleagues overseas are sweating this out, given what those cables may contain.
  • An American diplomat • Discussing the potential awfulness of Wikileaks releasing  260,000 diplomatic cables that jailed Specialist Bradley Manning reportedly gave to the site. Manning had a fairly high level of access; there might be some fairly sensitive information in the wires. Manning, by the way, is the dude that leaked the 2007 clip that showed a bunch of Iraqi citizens getting killed, along with two Reuters employees. Why couldn’t Bradley have just gotten into quarterbacking football games like his old brothers Peyton and Eli? source