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10 Nov 2011 10:19


Politics: Rick Perry looking for mea culpa after infamous debate gaffe

  • If anyone’s looking for the slickest politician or the smoothest debater, I readily admit I’m not that person. I’m hoping the American people are the types of individuals who understand that there are mistakes that get made.
  • Texas Gov. Rick Perry • Defending his infamous gaffe, where he awkwardly forgot one of the departments he recommended eliminating, on “Fox & Friends” this morning. Many, including us, called it a campaign-killer. He’s not doing bad as far as the apologies go, though, and that could save him. Can he be a frontrunner again, though? Considering he came in as the Great Texas Hope, that’s the real question. source

16 Mar 2011 22:56


Politics: Rand Paul’s complaining about his dysfunctional toilet

  • Frankly, the toilets don’t work in my house. And I blame you.
  • Sen. Rand Paul • To Kathleen Hogan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency at the U.S. Department of Energy. Paul was arguing against efficiency standards for toilets and light bulbs at a National Resources Committee hearing. source