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02 Aug 2009 21:26


Biz, Tech: Warning: Exploding iPods can lead to confidentiality agreements

  • I thought it was a very disturbing letter…They’re putting a life sentence on myself, my daughter and Ellie’s mum, not to say anything to anyone.
  • Ken Stanborough • On the letter he received from Apple after his daughter’s iPod exploded. He had contacted the company for a refund, which they offered – but with a nasty clause. If he took their money, he had to agree to keep quiet and if he failed to do so his family could face litigation. Yeah, he didn’t sign it. Take that, bullies!  • source

16 Jul 2009 16:28


Tech: TechCrunch on publishing leaked documents: It was “fair game”

  • That doesn’t mean we are entitled to do anything we like in order to get to that information. But if it lands in our inbox, we consider it fair game. And if we have reason to believe it will be widely published regardless of what we do, the decision isn’t a hard one.
  • TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington • Regarding his site’s decision to post confidential documents acquired by a hacker and sent to them. (We admittedly published one tiny piece of the puzzle, linked from them, but would happily take it down by request.) This policy is perhaps a bit loosey-goosey and might just get them in trouble. • source