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18 Jan 2012 20:33


Politics: Mitt Romney spokeswoman denies tax haven claims

  • ABC is flat wrong. The Romneys’ investments in funds established in the Cayman Islands are taxed in the very same way they would be if those funds were established in the United States. These are not tax havens and it is false to say so.
  • Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul • Trying to quell the swirls of criticism that have emerged over Mitt Romney’s tax information. This all came to a head, in a way, during Monday night’s presidential debate in South Carolina, when Mitt Romney gave an extremely uncomfortable, unprepared seeming answer on whether or not he’d release his tax information, which all but forced them start letting some information out. The fact that Romney only pays (legal though it is) 15% in taxes has caused a stir, but not as much as subsequent reports by ABC News might; they report that Romney maintains millions in investments held in the Cayman Islands, notorious as an offshore tax haven, allowing him to pay an even lower rate. source

17 Jan 2011 11:31


World: Julian Assange has the goods on Swiss bank users, kids

  • You’d think, seeing that the guy on the right (former Swiss banker Rudolf Elmer) probably risked his hide to give Julian Assange detail on prominent individuals who used Swiss banks to evade taxes, Assange would muster up enough happiness to show a smile. But no. He still looks like an Eeyore-ish version of James Bond. Turn that frown upside down, Julian! source