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01 Jan 2009 13:41


World: It’s Cuba’s 50th communist birthday

Fidel Castro shown arriving in Washington, D.C. in 1959. (Library of Congress) source

01 Jan 2009 13:40


World: Political prisoners in Cuba

  • 15,000 political prisoners in 1964 source

01 Jan 2009 13:35


World: In Castro’s own words

  • Condemn me. It does not matter. History will absolve me.
  • Fidel Castro • In the closing lines of a 1953 speech • source

01 Jan 2009 13:18


World: Where Cuba stands, 50 years later

  • Fidel’s still alive Fidel Castro, at the age of 82, has remained out of the public eye for nearly two and a half years due to health issues (which remain a state secret). His brother Raul holds power. source
  • Fidel’s still alive Fidel Castro, at the age of 82, has remained out of the public eye for nearly two and a half years due to health issues (which remain a state secret). His brother Raul holds power.
  • His influence remains While he’s not out in public, he still publishes the occasional essay, suggesting that even if he’s not in charge, he may as well be. His brother has implemented few reforms since he took power. source
  • Fidel’s still alive Fidel Castro, at the age of 82, has remained out of the public eye for nearly two and a half years due to health issues (which remain a state secret). His brother Raul holds power.
  • His influence remains While he’s not out in public, he still publishes the occasional essay, suggesting that even if he’s not in charge, he may as well be. His brother has implemented few reforms since he took power.
  • Some good, some bad Castro brought reforms such as universal health care to his island (something the U.S. lacks, by the way), but it came at the cost of freedoms – including laborers’ right to strike and the freedom to dissent. source