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11 Jul 2011 10:36


U.S.: Jaycee Dugard, on surviving 18 years in captivity

  • Why not look at it? You know, stare it down until it can’t scare you anymore. I didn’t want there to be any more secrets…I hadn’t done anything wrong. It wasn’t something I did that caused this to happen. And I feel that by putting it all out there, it’s very freeing.
  • 18-year abductee Jaycee Dugard • Taking an absolutely brave, head-on approach to dealing with her infamous plight, in which Phillip and Nancy Garrido held her against her will and she birthed two children at the hands of Philip. Dugard, 31, spent most of her life in captivity, had to learn survival techniques to keep her own sanity. “There’s a switch that I had to shut off,” she said. “I mean, I can’t imagine being beaten to death, you know? And you can’t imagine being kidnapped and raped, you know? So, it’s just, you just do what you have to do to survive.” Dugard’s ability to take strength away from this awful ordeal is nothing short of amazing. If there is one story you give your full attention to today, this is the one. Easily. source