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15 May 2009 12:57


Biz: GM begins its long, crazy trip to screwing over its dealers

  • 1,100 dealers learned today that GM’s not working with them anymore source

15 May 2009 12:46


Biz, U.S.: Year-over-year consumer prices take a historic tumble

  • -0.7% That’s the biggest tumble since Elvis’ heyday source

01 May 2009 19:53


Biz: Here’s an ultra-depressing number from Chrysler

15 Mar 2009 11:46


Biz: We think we understand this forced entrepreneurship talk

  • If there is a silver lining, the large-scale downsizing from major companies will release a lot of new entrepreneurial talent and ideas — scientists, engineers, business folks now looking to do other things.
  • Mark V. Cannice • Executive director of the entrepreneurship program at the University of San Francisco, on how the economy is making people a bit more creative, building their own businesses, instead of trying to look for work. We kind of did both.  • source