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19 Oct 2011 15:04


Biz: Apple’s quarterly profits below expectations for first time since 2004

  • 6% drop in price of Apple shares in wake of 3rd quarter results source
  • » But they’re not so worried: Parsing the present-day meaning of past quarter business reports can be a sketchy task, especially considering that in Apple’s case, the recently released iPhone 4S is expected to lend a surge to their profits, though that won’t come across until the current quarter’s figures come out. (One company official specifically blamed iPhone 5 rumors for hurting the company’s bottom line.) And despite the dip in share prices, Apple’s actual business in the 3rd quarter was yet robust; profits increased by 54%, and sales went up 39%. And since we’re talking Apple, we’d be remiss not to mention also that there’s a Steve Jobs memorial exclusively for employees that’s happening today; Apple’s Cupertino campus is hosting, and Apple stores nationwide will be closing for the duration to allow staff to watch.