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22 Jan 2011 20:03


Politics: Mitt Romney wins New Hampshire GOP straw poll

  • 35% Mitt Romney’s take in the New Hampshire poll
  • Why this matters: As one of the earliest states to hold its primary (only Iowa votes first), New Hampshire is critically important in determining presidential nominees. Although he won the state in ’08, some had worried that the presence of Tea Partiers might thwart his chances this time around. But if this poll is any indicator, Romney can relax: the very same people surveyed here also just elected a Tea Party activist to head the state GOP. Seeing as he probably won’t win in socially-conservative Iowa, New Hampshire is crucial if Romney wants to be the Republican nominee for President. This poll suggests he might have a fighting chance. Some other notable results:
  • 11% libertarian hero Ron Paul’s second-place result
  • <3% ultra-coiffed Donald Trump’s absurdly high showing
  • 0% well-regarded former lobbyist Haley Barbour’s showing; ouch source