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Posted on May 22, 2011 | tags


Politics: Minnesota State Rep. Tony Cornish trolling gay rights advocates?

  • I’m not in his district. But I DO live in Minnesota and a statewide policy regarding marriage equality effects EVERYONE living in our state.
  • Minnesota resident Annie Modesitt • Discussing her anger over receiving a fairly rude e-mail from Minnesota State Rep. Tony Cornish that seemed to trivialize her emotion on the gay rights issue. She was one of a number of people who took part in a Human Rights Campaign petition against Cornish, who voted in favor of a proposed state constitutional amendment on gay marriage. Cornish has sent a number of these, including one where he reportedly wrote, “Try writing your own letter without forwarding someone else’s anger and resentment. Get an idea of your own.” Hey Tony, we would like to share our own idea: If this is true, you’re a moron because you respond to form letter e-mails and turn small potatoes into big stories. source