Politics: Debate preview: What you should expect in tonight’s #FLDebate
- OHMIGOD OHMIGOD BRIWI IS MODERATING!!!!! Seriously guys, after the Gawker thing, this man can do no wrong. But the people on the other side of the stage? They’ve got a ton of issues ahead of the Florida debate, which we’ll be tagging with #FLDebate tonight. (It’ll be live over here.) So, with that said — last week’s debates, especially Thurdsay’s, were nasty — will tonight’s debate have similar fireworks? Here’s what we’re watching for:
- one The Newt factor. Will the South Carolina winner get the nod in Florida too? And what sort of impact will Newt’s release of his Freddie Mac contracts have on the debate?
- two Will Mitt keep above water? With a Gallup poll showing him losing his massive lead over Newt and coming off a self-admitted crappy week, can he recover?
- threeWill Santorum or Paul break through? Both mostly held their own last week despite weak primary showings, but holding their own isn’t enough right now. source