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Posted on July 4, 2010 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: Michael Steele gets support from (only) Ron Paul

  • Ron Paul: You’re lying! In this clip with Don Lemon earlier today, Paul, who’s speaking from Skype, claims that Lemon is misconstruing Steele’s comments. Prior to that is a pretty good catch-up on the whole situation, including John McCain and Jim DeMint ripping Steele’s leadership.

  • Erick Erickson rips SteeleThe blogger, known for his controversial comments, already said that Steele should resign, but doesn’t think he will, because he’s not concerned for the health of the party, but the success of Michael Steele. We shockingly agree with him 100 percent.

  • Is this about race?Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution speaks so negatively of both Steele and the process that led to his RNC leadership position that she suggests Steele got in through a bizarre form of affirmative action, and he doesn’t deserve the job.