- As far as political Punditry goes, this is like LeBron James leaving the Cavs. Andrew Sullivan, who in our opinion wrote the script on what a good political site is supposed to be, is moving. This time, he’s taking “The Daily Dish” from The Atlantic (whose fortunes improved in large part thanks to his site) to The Daily Beast, and will contribute to Newsweek to boot. Andy’s grown a bit more liberal over the years – though he’ll never admit it to your face – but he’s still an essential read nonetheless. While Andy is sad about leaving a company that he helped lead to their first year of profitability in ages, “The chance to be part of a whole new experiment in online and print journalism, in the Daily Beast and Newsweek adventure, is just too fascinating and exciting a challenge to pass up.” Right now, though, we admit to having that lump in our throat knowing that our favorite team just lost its best player to the Miami Heat. source
Posted by Ernie Smith •