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12 Jun 2009 10:08


Tech, U.S.: No, really this time: Analog is dead. TV is digital-only now.

You had months to get a digital converter or buy a new TV. They’ve been talking about it forever. You only have yourself to blame now. source

12 Jun 2009 09:58


World: Iran’s presidential election is today, and the polls are packed

  • I am hearing about a vast participation of people, and I hear there are even gatherings at night. This shows the people’s awareness.
  • Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei • Speaking about the huge response the presidential election in Iran has had. Millions are at the polls today, responding to the hard-line politics of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which many claim have affected the country’s stability. Mir Hussein Moussavi, an opposition candidate, is the likely victor. By the way, the president of Iran has less power than Khamenei, but they do have plenty of say over domestic matters. • source