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Posted on June 11, 2010 | tags


Politics: Defending Alvin Green: It’s the Democratic Party’s fault, really

  • You have to admit: there’s something vaguely joyous about a no-name guy who lives with his mom screwing up the best-laid plans of the pack of pragmatic losers that is the Democratic leadership of South Carolina.
  • Salon writer Gabriel Winant • Offering a spirited defense for Alvin “what am I doing here” Greene, whose win in the Democratic Senate primary is about to make the South Carolina elections a little more fun. While Democratic leaders want him to step down, Winant notes that it’s all their fault – not Greene’s. “(Vic) Rawl was a classic sacrificial lamb,” he writes, “selected because he’s plausible enough on paper not to embarrass the party or hurt the down-ticket candidates.” Let’s face it, the South Carolina Democrats are more annoyed that he ruined their plans than anything else. Jim DeMint is going to win. source