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04 Jan 2012 20:45


Politics: Sen. John McCain endorses Mitt Romney for President

  • Not much of a shock, we admit. After all, it was last night that news broke that Senator John McCain, the GOP’s standard-bearer in the last presidential election, would be throwing his support behind Mitt Romney (who really hasn’t stopped campaigning for the top job since McCain beat him those years ago). You may recall that in 2008, McCain suffered somewhat for a strained and kind of awkward manner, and this video conjures those memories — he sounds like he’s really working hard to muster some enthusiasm in support of his old, bitter rival. source

29 Jun 2011 23:49


Politics: Republican voters apathetic about presidential field

  • What’s more surprising: The fact that they actually included John McCain in the poll? Or the fact that McCain did twice as well as Tim Pawlenty?  source