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03 Mar 2012 20:46


Politics: Rush Limbaugh apologizes for language, sticks by Fluke argument

  • good! A couple hours ago, Rush Limbaugh apologized to Sandra Fluke for calling her a “slut” and a “prostitute” for speaking about contraception funding to Congress: “My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.”
  • however The apology didn’t avoid tough words, though including a series of lines attacking the thrust of what Fluke said in front of Congress: “I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress.” Is his apology good enough? source

11 Feb 2012 14:11


Politics: Roaring applause: Allen West energizes conservatives at CPAC

  • “It is not the public good that matters, it is the personal good.” Representative Allen West (R-FL) fired up the crowd, during his speech at CPAC Friday night, saying that conservatives have allowed “the other side to paint us as racist” for too long. Rep. West reminded voters that proof of that statement’s inaccuracy stood before them saying, “today, as a conservative black Republican and former soldier, I’m here to set that record straight.” His comments drew roaring applause. (photo by Flickr user markn3tel) source

02 May 2011 15:03


Politics: Conservatives praise Obama on bin Laden killing

  • question One political question in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden is how the President’s political rivals, usually a very vociferous bunch, would react to the news that a person they’d built into such a boogeyman pulled this off.
  • answer All it takes to get bipartisanship is to kill a nationally loathed terrorist, it seems. Rush Limbaugh praised Obama today, as did Dick Cheney and John Boehner — this is a watershed moment for people’s perception of the President. source

11 Feb 2011 20:33


Politics: Dead-on Sarah Palin impersonator causes scene at CPAC

  • Here at ShortFormBlog, we have instituted a standing no-Sarah-Palin policy until she actually announces she’s running for political office again. But that doesn’t mean we can’t post anything about Sarah Palin impostors hilariously storming CPAC. She’s not technically Sarah Palin. So, there you go guys … a Sarah Palin impostor hilariously storming CPAC. It’d be much funnier if it was a dude in drag, but we’ll take it. source

06 Feb 2011 12:35


U.S.: Happy 100th birthday Ronald Reagan, in number form!

  • This is like Christmas for some people. Ultimately, Ronald Reagan was a great leader and one still widely-respected among conservatives as the kind of leader they still wish they had. Now, we’re not going to go so far as to turn the guy into a saint, but we will note that he was ultimately better for the American people than not. Above is one of his most famous political ads, “It’s Morning in America Again,” from this pretty awesome L.A. Times package about the dude. Below, a quick analysis of his approval rating throughout his presidency.
  • 67% the highest popularity that Ronald Reagan had as president, reached three times – once in 1981 and twice in 1986
  • 41% the lowest popularity he garnered, back in 1983; he neared that level again during the Iran-Contra scandal in 1987
  • 60% his popularity rating after leaving office; to compare, Democratic icon Bill Clinton had 67 percent source
  • » Fluctuating, but never fading: One interesting note about Ronald Reagan’s presidency is that while he’s gained a high degree of legendary status among conservatives, as a president, his popularity had numerous highs and lows. However, he never reached the nadir of folks like Jimmy Carter (who left office with 34 percent approval) or George W. Bush (who left with 24 percent approval – the same low Richard Nixon reached when he left office). He left with respect. Then his legend slowly grew. And that’s where we are today.

05 Oct 2010 10:49


Politics: O RLY? Tea Party, Religious Right have a little overlap apparently

  • 11% of Americans (in this study) say they party like tea
  • 22% of those polled say that they’re part of the Religious Right – double the Tea Party
  • 55% of Tea Partiers say that the U.S. is a Christian nation – more than Christian conservatives
  • 56% of Tea Partiers prefer Fox News – versus 39 percent for Christian conservatives source
  • » Where should the government step in? While Tea Partiers are notably anti-government, the study shows that they are looking for some government intervention on social issues such as abortion. Overall, though, the two somewhat disparate groups can agree on a couple of things, despite their differences. “They know what they can agree on, which is what they’re against: Obama, Pelosi,” said George Mason University public policy professor Mark Rozell.

13 May 2010 10:24


World: Right out of the gate, the new British PM’s office cuts its pay

  • 5% across the board cuts for the coalition government source

13 Oct 2009 21:33


Offbeat: The Onion skewers anti-gay Christian conservatives (hilariously)

  • It’s a simple matter of logic, really. God made me who I am, and who I am is a cold, anti-gay zealot. Thus, I abhor gay people because God made me that way. Why is that so hard to understand?
  • Onion columnist Jane Kendricks • Explaining why she hates gay people in an article titled “If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays, He Would Have Given Me The Warmth And Compassion To Do So.” It’s not her, it’s God. It’s news, it’s The Onion. And “not news” is doing good business right now, based on this article. • source

02 Jun 2009 20:25


Culture: Conservatives don’t realize Cobert is joking. Colbert is thrilled.

  • I’m thrilled by it! From the very beginning, I wanted to jump back and forth over the line of meaning what I say, and the truth of the matter is I’m not on anyone’s side, I’m on my side. The important thing is that the audience laughs.
  • Stephen Colbert • Regarding an Ohio State University poll which found most conservatives thought he was “one of them.” The comical pundit puts in a lot of long hours to bring teh funnay, with both him and his staff of 90 working 12-hour days, which he makes look unbelievably easy. • source

06 May 2009 21:35


Politics: Rush Limbaugh throws monkey poo at Colin Powell. RUSH MAD!

  • What Colin Powell needs to do is close the loop and become a Democrat instead of claiming to be a Republican interested in reforming the Republican Party.
  • Rush Limbaugh • Complaining about Powell’s comment that the Republican party is in deep trouble, and would be better off without the radio-show loudmouth. Limbaugh also disliked Powell’s support of Obama. • source